Our Ptoduct

 Our company specializes in the mining and production of feldspar, ball clay, calcium carbonate, and silica sand in various sizes, ranging from 35 mesh to 200 mesh. We offer customized solutions to meet the specific needs of our customers.


FELDSPAR, we have produced many qualities and sizes as showing below

1- Mixed Feldspar size (from zero to 2 mm)

2- Feldspar   Chips           Size (from zero to 3.0 Cm)

3- Feldspar   Chips          Size (from zero to 5 mm)

4- Na-Feldspar

Kaolin ,

1- White clay high quality

2- White clay medium quality

3- Gray kaolin

4- Red clay

Ball Clay Local


Silica sand

1- White high quality silica sand

1-1 Size      6   mesh

1-1   Size     10   mesh

1-2   Size     18   mesh

1-3   Size     35 mesh

1-4   Size     80-100mesh

1-5   Size     200 mesh


Natural gypsum,

             Size lumps


Calcium Carbonate,

              Many sizes are available as per customer requirements

              CaO calcium oxide

              Hydrated lime

Plus grande mine a ciel ouvert de Bingham Canyon. Gisement de cuivre porphyrique. montagne Oquirrh. Rio Tinto Group, Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation.

Pelles a cables P&H.

Camion minier komatsu 930 fabrique par Komatsu America Corp Peoria. 
Extraction metaux precieux, minerais

Waled ElTHebiany
